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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our son, the artist!

In the ongoing quest to keep our little man occupied during his waking hours, we decided to try and awaken his artistic temperament (well, he already has the fits of temper and throwing things... ;-)). Em bought him a colouring book and some crayons a while ago, and while he enjoyed chewing the crayons and putting the odd line of colour, he wasn't really into it.

Later, Em decided that he might like a blank page to be creative on and so bought a cheap pad of paper. Joseph seems to enjoy this much more than his colouring book and actually asks for his pad and crayons (sounds like "kick-kick" at the moment for some reason!). The strange thing is that I never really liked colouring books when I was little and always preferred a blank pad to do my own drawings on, so maybe he takes after me in that respect, and might turn out to be a great artist, like wot I never was!

So anyway, here is Joseph's first work of art for your delectation! Commisions are available on request!

posted by Craig @ 7:51 am   0 comments

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