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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Friday, July 28, 2006

Three meals a day and loving it.

Yes, since my last blog Joseph has really taken to his solid food. He now has a breakfast cereal first thing, puree at lunch time (carrot with baby rice today) and baby rice in the evening. Tonight I'm going to add pear to his evening feed to up the amount of solids he eats. He now eats so fast that it is a job to keep up with demand and Craig and I get shouted at for being too slow.

Soon we hope to be able to cut out the 11 pm feed as he should be eating enough during the day and not need it. It will be good when we can do that as then we'll be able to spend some time together instead of me crashing out whilst Joseph has his feed. It would be nice to still feel like a couple and not just Mummy and Daddy.

posted by Emma @ 6:27 pm   0 comments

Monday, July 24, 2006

Getting used to solids

Pureed baby food. It looks like it might be difficult to make but it is well easy and takes barely any time. So far he has only had pear and apple and there has been some good results and some indifferent. Today was better and I think I've worked out why. It seems that he prefers more thick solid food.

My pear puree was the first attempt and was very liquid and he didn't really like it (some said it was just because it was pear but that's daft!) but today I made some apple puree and mixed it in with the pear. He was much happier with it as it was lumpier. I guess he equates it more with the sort of food that you should have on a spoon. We now have a highchait for him and that is much easier as his hands are occupied with things other than knocking the spoon out of my hand.

posted by Emma @ 2:47 pm   0 comments

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Alright, the guilt is starting to get to me now. I know that it is the most financially sensible thing to do as the mortgage needs to be paid but the closer I get to going back to work the more awful I feel about leaving him. He has developped so much in the last month and our bond has really grown. He has started to become more touchy feely and affectionate. Although he still pulls my hair, grabs my ears and glasses and stomps on my scar he also touches my face and turns in for a cuddle. It's a really wonderful feeling and I realise how much he means to me. How can I leave him? The worst of it is that I know that I'll be all funny for my last few days at home so I'll ruin the enjoyment of our last few weekdays together.

posted by Emma @ 9:18 am   0 comments

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tooth Number Two!

So there I was, just mucking around with my little lad, when I had a quick peek in his mouth. And there, nestling next to his first (and very sharp) tooth, was a little white line in the gum. And so I rubbed it gently with my fingernail, and, yes, it was a tooth!

This probably explains why he's been a bit pooky (OK, pookier) recently. He's been waking up crying every so often during the night, with nothing seemingly wrong. And to be quite honest, I'm knackered! All part of the fun and games though!

On another good note, Joseph had his 6-month check up today for Prem babies, and everything is fine. He can come off the Nutriprem (formula for prem babies) and go on to normal follow-on milk (which unfortunately we now have to pay for...!), and also stop having the horrible, sticky iron when he goes onto solids. He's been discharged from their care, so everything's brilliant!

So, yes, Joseph has hit the big 6 months. It's gone so quickly, and he's doing so well. We're so proud of him! It's been a bit of a rollercoaster at times and I'm sure there's more bumps to come, but overall everything's cool.

I'm sure if I tried I could be a bit more eloquent, but there you go!

posted by Craig @ 9:57 pm   0 comments

Monday, July 10, 2006

Real Food at last

Today saw Joseph's first taste of real food - well if you call baby rice real food. Not sure that I would. It smells pretty iffy and doesn't look all that. Joseph clearly wasn't sure about it but as his first try it wasn't bad. He didn't screw up his face or cry which is good as it takes babies quite a few tries to get used to new things. I gave him lots of love and praise and we'll try it again tomorrow lunchtime.

posted by Emma @ 2:35 pm   0 comments

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No, he is not hungry!

What is it with Joe Public? Whenever you are out and about with a baby and he cries they all assume that he is hungry. Do they think I choose to take my child shopping instead of feeding him? No, he is not hungry. He is teething or just having a plain temper tantrum. Surely their own children did this too? Or have they forgotten? Sorry, but it just winds me up and I had to say something.

posted by Emma @ 8:53 pm   0 comments

Rabbits' Blog is a kinkyMachine website. Would you like a rice cake?