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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Friday, November 18, 2005

She's moving!

I don't know, I turn my back for 2 minutes and Em's off and running with this old blog thing!

It really is quite incredible to feel Rabbits moving. Most of the time I can just feel the odd thump, or kick, but the other day, I could really feel her moving about inside Em's tum. I keep getting this soppy grin on my face, but Em keeps assuring me I don't look like an idiot.

I really can't imagine what it feels like for Em to have something wriggling about inside her - the closest analogy that I could come up with was having a facial tic - you have no control over a part of your body, it just moves by itself. Obviously facial tics don't hurt, like some of Rabbits' kicks do!

Work on the back bedroom/nursery continues at the usual pace of my DIY, so in other words, not very quickly! I'm going to make a determined effort to sort it out on Sunday. Promise.

posted by Craig @ 3:17 pm   0 comments


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