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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Finger food ahoy!

Yes, we have moved on to finger food. Joseph has been able to eat rice cakes and the like for a long time but now he will eat anything he can hold in his hand. We had found that dinner times were becoming a trial or battle of wills as we tried to get him to take any thing from a spoon...so we gave up.

We started giving him different things (sandwiches, cooked veggies, purees on toast etc) and we haven't looked back since. Dinner time is now a pleasant time (mostly) and Joseph loves choosing his own food. We give him a plate with a variety of items so that he can pick what he wants. So far he has loved our home made vegetable sticks and fish fingers.

The health visitor has said that we should try him on red meat which has its own issues. You see, I don't eat red meat. I don't like the taste of lamb and I've only eaten beef once since 1994 (and then not through choice). So it isn't something that we eat for family dinners. However, I don't want to deprive Joseph of some thing that he might enjoy. It's a bit of a pickle. I have relented and bought some chicken livers (important source of iron) but Craig will have to cook them as I'm having nothing to do with it.

posted by Emma @ 7:43 pm   0 comments


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