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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Friday, March 24, 2006

What a good boy!

I met some friends for lunch today and then took Joseph to see the people at work. It took quite a bit of organising to get the little boy ready but he was incredibly well behaved. The car wouldn't start but he didn't kick up a fuss and he was asleep all through lunch. He was really interested to see all of the new people. He was looking around him and was very alert and well behaved. Quite a few people held him and he was totally ok with that.

I was not too sure that I wanted many people to hold him. I'm very possessive and I'm not sure that I trust people with my precious little bundle. I managed to get through it without getting too weird with any one.

It was nice to pop in to work but I'm not sure that I want to go back just yet. I'm not sure that I want to stay at home and become a full time mother as I love to have people to chat to but I'm not ready to go back to work yet. It was weird to feel like I did not really belong in a place where I've known every one for ages. It'll be very strange to get back into that world when I do go back.

posted by Emma @ 5:19 pm   0 comments


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