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Hello! My name is Joseph Woodrow Stevens and this is my Blog. It's called Rabbits' Blog, because that was the name Mummy and Daddy gave me when I was still in Mummy's tummy. (Apparently Daddy's sister wanted to call my Daddy Rabbits when he was born!)

Anyway, Mummy and Daddy write stuff down here about me, 'cos they seem to think it's interesting. I just like all the pictures of me, 'cos I'm gorgeous! I hope you like what Mummy and Daddy have written here. Let them know if you do. They'd like to hear from you!

Lots of love and kisses!

Joseph xxx

Saturday, December 31, 2005


Well, Em's still in hospital, and is looking likely to be staying there until Rabbits makes her debut in the world! It seems that the high blood pressure is still an issue (despite Em feeling very well), and the safe option would be to deliver Rabbits sooner rather than later. Em's been started on another drug to help lower her BP, which is still high but stable. The good news is that premature babies do very well at 31 weeks, and at 3½ pounds would certainly not be the smallest baby ever to be in the neo-natal unit. Em went down to the unit today, and is very much impressed with it all and is very reassured about the care they will be giving our little Rabbits.

The thing that's stressing Em out is the fact that she will have to have a caesarian section to get Rabbits out. She feels that she has failed to some extent, in that she hasn't been able to carry to term, but I tried to reassure her that she has done everything she could to look after Rabbits and provide all the care she could. Obviously it would have been wonderful if Em could have given birth naturally, but some things just aren't meant to be.

We have no idea when anything will happen, because the longer Rabbits can stay inside Em, the better. There is a concern that Rabbits isn't getting all the oxygen and food she needs through the placenta, so they're going to do another scan on Tuesday to see how things are getting on.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a peaceful new year, and that good things happen for you all.

posted by Craig @ 11:11 pm   0 comments


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